Tag Archives: mailingservices

Are you getting the best print and mailing services?

1. When was the last time you reviewed the service you get from your print supplier?

At the very least you should be visited by your print services provider every 6 months. This will ensure you are kept up to date with latest innovations, products and services.

2. How proactive is your print provider in suggesting alternate solutions to ensure you get the best option for all your printing needs?

3. What accreditations do they have for example ISO 9001; (quality) ISO 27001 (Information Security & Management)

4. Is the company customer focused? They provide solutions for you and not what suits them?

5. Can they be flexible and respond quickly and systematically to a change in specification or delivery dates?

6. Does the mailing house provide free data cleansing and checking to ensure your addresses are complete and suitable for mailing discounts?

7. Do you have a dedicated project or account manager who understands your business and requirements?

8. Is the print supplier financially stable, how long have they been in business and what customers do they supply?

9. Do you feel that when you pick up the phone to the company you get a personal service and that your print supplier is really listening? Are they quick to respond to your needs?

10. Finally when things go wrong, after all, we are only human, how quickly does your print supplier put right what went wrong irrespective of where the blame lies?

If the answer is a resounding “NO” to any of the above then it is time to review your print supplier. Jot down a list of things that you aren’t happy with and phone us! for an impartial discussion.

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Print and mail service. What to look out for in a print and mail services company.

print and mail service

Many companies manage a steady stream of mail including marketing letters, bills, promotional items you name it, none of us are immune from receiving them!

But processing, printing, folding and sending these items is a costly and time consuming exercise. Factor in higher UK postage prices which came into force in April 2013 with a standard first class stamp for letters weighing up to 100g now at 60p and a second class stamp at 50p making it even more costly for companies to stay in touch with their customers.

The personnel involved in these processes would be better served in being re-deployed into other business activities which are revenue orientated.

Optimising the skills of a print and mail services company will improve and manage your paper flow more efficiently and ensure that the envelopes actually reach either the consumer or the customer.

In the present economic climate, this is one area companies should be evaluating to look at reducing their print and mailing costs by working with a managed outsource print provider.

Despite growth in paperless solutions, companies still require a reliable way of ensuring that their critical documents reach their intended destination! Using a managed service provider, organisations are likely to reduce the hidden costs associated with actually processing an invoice or statement.

Big postage cost savings can be made using DSA (downstream access) rather than the  traditional route of the Royal Mail these savings can make a huge difference to companies who rely on a steady stream of invoices, statements and marketing material being posted out each month.

A Print and Mail services provider has the technological resources, investment in mailing kit, hi-speed printers and the technology infrastructure in place to manage volume mailings.

Coupled with account management your print and mail service now becomes a manageable and structured process with the print and mail of invoices and statements at month end or the posting of a promotional mailing campaign designed at attracting new customers.

The process is organised, planned and represents effective management of a companies resources and time.

Quite simply an organisation can spend a lot of effort trying to keep up with the demand with requests for copy documents or marketing information if they do not make use of an established managed print and mail service provider.

By outsourcing, the company can transfer these chores to an organisation that is expert in delivering mailings every day.

A managed print and mail service will in the long run ensure your paper flow is manageable, timely, effective and delivered to the right person at a cost that you will find surprisingly inexpensive! print and mail service

For more information or to get a quote click here

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