Tag Archives: Desktop print and mail

How to use hybrid mail to optimise your business-critical documents.

My most recent posts have talked about the importance of content, personalisation and making it relevant and then how to get the message out there. How to use hybrid mail to optimise your business critical documents

Many businesses consider mailing out letters outdated and unnecessary when it’s easy to email.

But wait a minute…

There are many businesses that have a need to print and mail customer letters, marketing information, legal documents, insurance renewals, bills and invoices even though they use email for the large majority.

The problem is many of your customers might be happy to receive emails but there are always letters that need to be mailed.

How do you manage those pesky few each month?

The print industry has come in for some pretty heavy criticism for not being forward thinking and innovative.

One of its more recent innovations is hybrid mail from the standard print and mail distribution via outsourcing data to a third party and having it printed and mailed to manage your mailings from your desktop at a touch of a button.

Hybrid mail has been around since the 70s and has come to the fore in the last 3-5 years. Whilst there are many large hybrid mail providers in the UK market place, most of their services are designed for the big corporate user and don’t always have the SME in mind.

A significant benefit of hybrid mail is the time it takes to create a mailing, minimal effort, cost-effective printing and mailing out letters from even a few, to thousands of letters. 

How to use hybrid mail to optimise your business critical documents

How does it work?

Hybrid mail fuses electronic and traditional mailing processes. Whatever documents you want to print there is minimal time needed to get them printed and mailed. The process goes something like this:

  1. Upload the document you want to print
  2. Preview your pages
  3. Check your recipients
  4. Order – choose either black and white or colour print, first or second class delivery

You need a hybrid mail service provider who can securely print and mail your letters and a PC/laptop.

Hybrid mail works by enabling users to send individual or multiple page letters and documents created on any computer to a central print site via the internet.

The letters are printed, merged with letters that the hybrid mail provider has produced for other customers that day and sorted into mailsort order ready for posting.

It helps to understand how the system works so you can think about how the service can be used to benefit your organisation and business.

With ongoing requirements even for small mailings, hybrid mail delivers a great service less than the cost of a second class stamp.

How does hybrid mail add value to your business?

Any organisation that is printing and sending letters using a desktop printer will save time and money switching to hybrid mail.

Even organisations with larger in-house operations or using third party suppliers such as print and mailing houses to print their statements, invoices, customer letters, subscription renewals can save money.

How to use hybrid mail to optimise your business critical documents

Hybrid mail is not a complicated process. Unlike print and mailing services the cost is not based on the volume being mailed. Whether you send out one bespoke letter to one recipient or 500 letters to 500 recipients the unit cost is the same.

Some hybrid mail services will offer added value in the form of correcting inaccuracies in customer addresses free of charge through integration with the postal address file. [PAF]

Standardising your letterhead and corporate identity across your hard copy communications will enable you to ensure brand consistency without having to pay for re-design costs.

Some hybrid mail services allow you to set, limit and control spending at an individual user or departmental level which means you have full control over what gets mailed out and how much it costs.

One of the major benefits of hybrid mail is the reduction in your organisation’s carbon footprint.

Letters are printed on presses that are more energy-efficient than a desktop printer on a per-unit basis.

Bulk mailings cost less to transport and deliver across the country.

Quality, security and reliability are issues that users of the service may have concerns about.

Our Print-2-Mail service run on https the same protocol as the banks and your letters are printed in a production facility that is ISO27001 and GDPR accredited.

The reliability of hybrid mail compares favourably to a standard mailing service and is cheaper. A validation process monitors the number of letters in each mailing to ensure 100% that each letter has been printed and mailed.

Can I use hybrid mail for multi-channel marketing?

Hybrid mail helps reinforce your online brand by sending out a follow-up message using direct mail.

It’s cheap, easy to set up fits in with your online content marketing. It’s a great way to push the same message more than once. Why not promote that event or special promotion numerous times through the mail.

The chances are you are promoting your message online many times but your audience isn’t always online, backing it up with a mailed promotional piece reinforces the online content.

Using traditional and digital marketing approaches simultaneously maximises the reach of your message.

Business-critical documents need not be the burden of your organisation any longer. You won’t need to have your accounts personnel stuffing envelopes nor will you need a franking machine.

All you have to do is upload a data file to our portal, and we do the rest

Even if it’s a few hundred letters each month, hybrid mail will work for you, saving time, effort and money.

You can find out more here

How to mail out your letters on a budget using a hybrid mail solution?


We are often asked can we just mail out 300 invoices or 300 of anything come to thing of it?

The answer is very definitely YES, you can!

Sometimes the volume might be more or less but by using a hybrid mail solution an SME is guaranteed to save money on postage, printing and processing.

Hybrid mail is a combination of printing and posting as a bundled service and we can combine small mailings for many customers and use DSA (Downstream Access ) pricing which saves you time and money on postage.



Using your web browser you can access our print-2-mail web portal and we provide you with a user name and password. There’s no software to install and you can use a PC or Mac.

If you have a document you want to print and send out, print-2-mail does the rest. The document needs to be converted to a PDF first.

By downloading the print driver you don’t even need to create PDF’s. Selecting the print driver launches the application, uploads your documents and converts them to PDF’s.

The print driver is easy to download as the interface provides a “print driver download”

What can I use hybrid mail for?

Pretty much any document you need to print and mail out.

You can print virtually any type of A4 document, single or double-sided, colour or black on white only. There’s no limit to the number of pages so reports, dissertations even and customer letters are fine.

You can load variable length documents so invoices and statements are no problem. You simply create the document before you load them to the system.

 What do I need?

An internet connection and the most up to date web browser – Internet Explorer 8 for Windows XP or 9 for Windows Vista or Windows 7, Mozilla Firefox 12 or Google Chrome.

When the application opens you have the option to print single and multiple page letters, in black or colour with the option of uploading your company logos.

Simply add your logo to the document as an image and we can print it along with the letter.

The wizard (there are seven steps) has been set up so you can walk through it and process your document quickly and efficiently.

The mailing wizard takes care of incomplete addresses by providing suggestions and it tidies your addresses as well. This is done using the Royal Mail’s PAF database (Postcode Authentication Finder) On completion of the address validation the wizard can create an accurate address file that can be downloaded as a PDF so you can make sure your customer addresses are accurate and complete.

How quickly will my mailing be posted out?

You have two options ‘Same Day” and “Next Day”. For same day all orders placed by 4PM are printed and mailed the same day. For next day, any orders placed up to midnight day 1 are printed and mailed out the next day. 

How secure is it?

The system is very secure and documents are uploaded using an encrypted HTTPS connection (the same standard used for on line banking). All your documents are printed in an APACS approved, ISO27001 security print factory.

How much does it cost?

Until you’ve completed the wizard and finalised your print options, the summary page will summarise the total cost of your mailing at the end of the process so before you print you will know exactly what you will pay. Suffice to say it will be less than the cost of a 2nd class stamp and it includes, the paper, printing, folding, inserting and mailing out!

There is no contractual obligation so if you choose to use it only once then that’s up to you. But we are so confident that you’ll love it that you will wonder why how you managed before.

Now for the really good news…

Apart from calling us initially for a demo that’ll be the last time you’ll need to talk to us so that really is good news!

Which means that you can just get on and print and mail whenever you need to you’ll have control over what you print, when and where you post out.

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