How to convince employees to take up e-payslips

e-payslipsIn my last blog I used examples from a customer that highlighted some of the points that should be considered when moving from paper payslips to e-payslips.

How can an organisation encourage the take up of electronic payslips?

An autocratic decision would be to adopt electronic payslips and then tell employees that as of a specific date they will no longer receive paper payslips.

However, you can increase the take up of e-payslips by adopting some or all of the following:-

  1. Use the current payslip to promote the idea of moving to e-payslips and provide a feedback forum which makes employees feel they have a say.
  2. Use the paper payslip to promote the idea of where they can read it. Unlike paper payslips, employees have to wait until they receive the payslip to view their take home pay and deductions. E-payslips can be read anytime anywhere as long as there is an internet connection.
  3. Employees don’t need a computer to view e-payslips they can also be viewed on a tablet or smartphonee-payslips
  4. As soon as the payroll team has approved the payroll run, employees will be able to view payslips instantaneously
  5. You can still print paper payslips if needed. With employees payslips stored in one place, copies that are required for a loan or mortgage application can easily be printed off in exactly the same format as the paper payslip.
  6. E-payslips can be formatted to look the same as the paper version and the employee will be familiar with the look and layout of the form even though it is in an electronic format

Global smartphones are likely to total 1.75 billion in 2014 ( and with almost half (47%) of mobile phone owners now using smartphones, this is expected to increase to 55% in 2014 ( the use of mobile technology away from home and work makes e-payslips an affordable and effective way of distributing payslips and improving employee engagement.

e-payslipsBeing able to access documents on the go is now a natural progression of mobile technology and with more employees working remotely having access to your payslip either as S-A-A-S (software as a service solution) or through a mobile version will only serve to improve take up of e-payslips.

What do you think?

Do you prefer to receive your payslips mobile or a paper pay slip?


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